Thursday, September 20, 2007

Power of Affirmations

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my site. I am the princess of persistence, and I’m just starting to post articles. My passion is to empower women and to make a difference. By sharing my story, I’m hoping that I will encourage, inspire, and motivate other women to do the same. My goal is to be one of the visible and help other women become visible, too.

One of my success principles is maintaining a positive attitude. With everyday life, that can be challenge! A strategy that I have adopted in order to create a positive mindset is to use affirmations. Affirmations are powerful because they are thoughts. Thoughts are powerful because thoughts create reality.

An expert on the power of affirmations is Dr. Patricia Ross, who co-authored Best Affirmations with Scott Armstrong. You can learn more by going to

Tonight, Thursday, September 20, Dr. Patricia Ross Ross will be interviewed by Dr. Mike Davison, The Destiny Doctor, During this interview, Dr. Ross will talk about how affirmations have helped her achieve her goals. She will explain how mastering affirmations will assist you in achieving anything, and you will get specific techniques to help you move forward!

To participate in this call, simply call in a few minutes before 9:00 pm EST.

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7100
Participant Access Code: 388951#

I apologize for the short notice, and if you miss this call, I will be letting you know about future scheduled interviews with both Dr. Patricia Ross and Scott Armstrong.

Here is one of my favorite affirmations:

I am a success in all that I do!

To Your Success!

1 comment:

Ken Jensen said...

Way to go Julie! The blog has a nice crisp look to it. The colors are soothing too.

I think you'll be surprised how fast your blog fills up with posts. Once you get going it's like the ideas never stop coming!

Take care,
